CSS Box Model

  • The CSS box model consists of margins, padding, border & the content of an HTML element.
  • Box model diagram:
  1. The content area is the area where the text is displayed.
  2. The padding area is the space around the content.
  3. The border area is around the content and padding.
  4. The margin is the area around the border of the element and it is outside the element.
  5. The padding & margin areas are transparent i.e. we can’t color them.
  • When you set the width & height properties of an HTML element with CSS, you just set the width & height of the content area only. So to calculate the total size of an element, you must also add padding, margin & borders to the width & height.
  • Following are the formulae to calculate the total width and height of an element:

Total width of an element = width + left padding + right padding + 

left border + right border + left margin + right margin.

Total height of an element = height + top padding + bottom padding + 

top border + bottom border + top margin + bottom margin.

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